Why Self Improvement Plans Are Key In Making Lasting Change

How come people are more motivated to make a change right around the new year? did you know that over ninety percent of individuals who make new year's resolutions break their resolution by January 15th? The reason why people tend to not follow through with any kind of serious change is not because they do not necessarily want to bad enough it is because they do not have any plan or any sort of self improvement plans. I'm going to provide 4 key factors in not only making a change but making an lasting change.

1.) Know What You Want:
The first major step in making lasting change and following through is to have a vision. `You must have a clear and compelling vision of where you are now and where you want to be or achieve. One thing to remember, it's not what you "should do" it needs to be a "must do". Get compelled and become excited about achieving your desired outcome.
2.) Review It Daily:
You need to feel it more than anything else going on. Have you ever been super excited by something where it is the last thing you think about before you go to bed and the first thing you think about when you wake up? You need to feel it, get connected to this goal because there is going to be multiple times could be daily that you will feel the urge to do something in which can jeopardize progress.
3.) Raise Your Standards:
Raising your standards sounds like we are stating the obvious here but it is probably one of the most important steps to all in making lasting change. It doesn't matter what kind of self improvement plans you have, if you do not raise your standards you will find yourself making change, and then changing again and possibly slowing down your progress. You need to make this goal, achievement, or desired outcome a part of you. If you want to lose weight you have to raise your standards and change your identity. You must identify yourself as someone different then who you were as an overweight individual. If someone identifies themselves as an athlete, then it is their standard to always remain at a specific weight, body fat percentage, or some sort of level of quickness. This person will never have a difficult time fitting himself into this identity because it is who they are and no matter what kind of schedule they have or how busy they are, they always maintain their standard by certain rituals consciously and unconsciously.
I know this information is very brief however do you know most people go through life with horse blinders on? Meaning, they can read an article as simple as this and say to themselves "Wow, this is pretty much common sense" and then they do not execute it or implement the information therefore they get the same result as they did prior. Self Improvement plans are worthless unless you continue to feed your mind with the knowledge and resources to continue your path to achieving as well as taking action and implementing yourself improvement plans. Making lasting change isn't rocket science but more or less organized common sense. The key to doing ANYTHING in life is to LEARN (some people do) and IMPLEMENT their self improvement plans (Most people never do).
I want to share a resource with you that I know you will at least check out because you are obviously on the path of personal development if you have read this far then visit [http://www.SelfHelpKnowledge.com]

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