Self Improvement Step Out of Your Comfort Zone!

What is it like in your comfort zone? Is it nice and comfy? The problem with this is that if you really want self improvement, you may, in fact should, leave your comfort zone.
Why do I say that? Well, there are several reasons, but let me give you just three.

Your zone hides your fear.
When you stay in your comfort zone you are masking your fear. Perhaps you are afraid of failure and so you stay in your comfort zone telling yourself that you don't really care about being promoted or being successful.
If you are reacting out of fear, you are lying to yourself about being happy. No one is happy by avoiding life out of fear. If you want to improve your life, step out of the comfort zone and confront your fear.
Your zone robs you of life.
When I was younger, I would pretend that things that I was afraid of were not important to me. I would lay back in my comfort zone and tell myself and others that I didn't feel like doing this or that. I would rather just sit here on the sidelines and watch. This was, of course, a lie. I was just afraid!
The first time I went skiing, that's just what I did. I said I wanted to sit in the lodge and enjoy the fire for a while. I think everyone knew I was afraid, but they let me be. When they were all gone and having a ball I worked up the nerve to go out on the bunny hill and try a little. What I found out was that;
  1. Falling wouldn't kill me.
  2. Skiing was FUN!
What is it you do that robs you of life, using your comfort zone as an excuse? You have to be honest with yourself, but if you look closely, I'm sure you will come up with some things.
Put away the comfort zone and live a little! You may find that you love being a little more daring than you are.
Your zone robs the world.
There's an old movie entitled, It's a Wonderful Life. There have been remakes of this theme, but the idea is that, no matter how bad our life seems, we affect the world around us. The more we hold back, the more we rob the world of what it could have if we were more involved.
You have a purpose in this world! You have things to do and if you don't do them, not only do you suffer, but so do the rest of us. What if Edison had not invented the light bulb? What if any number of people had not done the things they did? Where would we be now? What if you don't?
Self improvement is about being our true selves. It is about being who we are created to be to the best of our ability!
Are you?
For more information about Overcoming Your Fear [], or Living Life as an Adventure [] please go to Life Change For You

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