Self Improvement - It's That Time of Year Again

Here we go again, as Christmas rapidly approaches (only a few days left I've been reliably informed by the children this morning) it will soon be time to turn our attentions to that age old tradition, the New Years Resolution. I've lost count (and I'm sure you have too) about how many times I've promised myself that next year I'll lose weight, be more organized, try to see the good in people, stick to a budget, drink less, exercise more, all of which pales into oblivion within a few days. Why on earth do we imagine that we will be able to do these things successfully next year? Of course, what we're really saying is that we feel the need to improve ourselves, we are in a constant search for self improvement.

Now, if you simply type the phrase 'self improvement' into any Internet search engine you will be instantly bombarded by thousands of tips, advice, costly courses and experts who promise that they can help you in your quest. They want to help to improve your memory, your leadership skills, your weight and attractiveness, your organization, and a myriad of other things, all with the ultimate goal of making you feel like a more fulfilled and happy individual. Many of these courses will undoubtedly have successful and proven techniques to back up these claims, but there are things which we can do ourselves, in our everyday lives, to help ourselves become more rounded, happy and successful individuals.
Let's face it, we're real people living in the real world and have to be realistic in our expectations. No matter how many hours we spend sweating and grunting at the gym, we are never going to have a figure like Jennifer Aniston if we weren't born that way, and no matter how much brain training we do, it is highly unlikely that we are going to land a directors job in a top firm on Wall Street. We just have to take small steps to improve our lives, little by little, pursuing small, achievable goals. This is the only way that we can truly improve ourselves, and not end up feeling completely dissatisfied and disillusioned with our lot.
So if you embark on a course of self improvement, don't believe too much hype, don't give yourself a hard time if the results you had hoped for are a little slow in developing, just do the best you can and learn to be happy with yourself. There is no such thing as failure, just early attempts at success.
Lee has been writing articles for over 5 years. Come visit his latest websites over at Pillow Top Mattresses [] and Pillow Top Mattress Pads []. These sites help consumers find the best products and information they are looking for when doing product research.

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