The Importance Of Self Improvement And Its Products

A man who becomes a business tycoon at a very young age may be the centre of many envious glances, and no one would know what turmoil he might be in below the surface of all that fame and fortune.
This mutual envy is ridiculous if you think about it. Most of us want to exchange our lives to be someone who, in reality, wishes to be us! This speaks about the level of insecurity we all have in our life. We seem to take the plunge to low confidence and lost self-worth all on our own.

Many a times, we have some annoying tendencies and we never come to know of it e.g. being harsh spoken, picking on or biting your nails when talking. They tend to put people off.
For example, one of my friends is incorrigibly talkative with conversations centred on things that others couldn't possibly care for. It has led to her friends staying out off her radar altogether. She has, however, still not realised the effect it has on her sociability. People are wary of her.
The most important factor to self improvement is talking to a close, trustworthy friend about and listening to the feedback you get. You must ask them very straightforward questions about your person and listen without getting upset with them. Once they know that you are trying to change for the better, they'll help you. Listen eagerly to them. Give them the opportunity to be frank with you so that you can make yourself a better person.
"Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all", or so sings Whitney Houston in one of her songs. Indeed, you must learn to love yourself before you love others. It is often said that you can't give what you don't have.
It is important that you improve upon yourself before you go around advising people. Only when we set an example do the people appreciate it and try to follow.
You must cease to undermine yourself. Putting yourself down is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Any thought in your mind that is wistful in nature and begins with something like 'I wish I was... ' is detrimental to your self-worth. You must accept yourself as you are before we can start to work on improving it. And we must not compare to other people. It ends up with a little more on your list than before to be jealous of them.
There are anxieties and fear in everyone's lives. And because none of us is flawless, there is also that little thing that makes us think that we would be better off if we had it. But happiness does not come from constant perfection. It is being content even in the imperfections that make us human. Self improvement does not imply perfection and show-off, but it does mean that we accept and are satisfied with what we have in our hands. Improving upon ourselves adds to that happiness and satisfaction.
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