A Few Simple Tips for Self Improvement

A challenge facing many people in their personal development path is where to start. Following are a few simple tips for self improvement:
Be Grateful
Be grateful for what you have and what you do. You may only be earning the minimum wage but be grateful that you are as this money helps you to buy your food and pay your bills and there are people less fortunate than you who can't earn an income. If you have a car, be grateful that you have one as this saves you walking.
Look for things to be grateful for every day, at least five, and write them down. The more you are grateful for, the more that will come to you.

Keep a Daily Journal
If you were to ask the average person what they did last week, unless it was a major event, they would probably have no idea. Keeping a daily journal does a few things for you; it lets you know what you have done and, most of all, it lets you know where you are now.
Write down what you did throughout the day; who you met, where you went, how you felt. Add things like any ideas you had, things that you would like to do, places you would like to go. Include in your daily journal entry your list of the five things you are grateful for that day.
Plan Ahead
Know what it is that you want; write it down. Itemize your list, for example; 
  • Do you want a new home?
  • What does it look like?
  • Do you want a new car?
  • What sort?
  • How much money do you want to earn?
  • Where do you want to work?
  • Where do you want go on holiday?
  • Be specific; some of these ideas may come from your journal. Next to each item write down when you want it. Set a date as this gives you a target as to when to expect what you want. Write each item as a clear specific goal; for example,
  • "in two years time I will live with my family in our new three bedroom home" or
  • "in twelve months I will be driving a new Audi R8" or
  • "on the 31st of December I am taking my family to Hawaii on a holiday"
At this stage don't concern yourself too much with how you will get what you want as 'the how' will come to you in time. Set the goal, set the expectation and be grateful for it.
Finally, write down why you want whatever it is that you want. Create an emotional attachment to what you want as this will give you the motivation and the drive to get what you want.
Be Positive
Know that you will get what you want. Twice each day read, out loud and with animation, the five things you are grateful for, for that day from your journal. Last thing before you go to bed at night and first thing when you get up in the morning.
Once you have read your list of things you are grateful for; read and say your goals out loud and with animation. Say each goal in the present tense, as if you already have it and say it with gratitude. This will drive you toward your goal and bring your goal toward you; for example, 
  • "I am so happy and grateful now that my family and I live in our new three bedroom home" or
  • "I am so happy and grateful now that I am driving my new Audi R8" or
  • "I am so happy and grateful now to be on holiday in Hawaii with my family"
Having studied the field of personal development for over thirty years John Albrett knows that self improvement tips are an essential start to personal development.

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