Achieving Your Full Potential In Self Improvement

One day, you will realize that change is essential to achieving your dreams, and then you will come to truly accept change, and find information that will assist you to attain your full potential in personal development. Until that time, something can be right in front of you and you may not even know it is there.

For example, when you view an artwork, you may not be able to fully appreciate what you are seeing when it is only one or two inches from your face. However, if you step back a little bit from it, you will get a clearer view of the entire painting.
The majority of individuals only think of looking for guidance for personal growth and self help when things have deteriorated. For instance, consider this scenario:
Try putting your finger into a large bowl that contains very hot water. If you are able to do that, you take your finger out very quickly. This is because you cannot stand sudden change within your environment, in this case the high temperature of the water.
Now try putting your finger into a pot that contains lukewarm water and then switch the gas cooker on. Leave your finger in the water until the temperature of the water has risen to a certain level. Then you will start to feel the warmth of the water and eventually you will remove your finger.
Most people act more like scenario two above. It is only when people experience actual pain that they learn their lessons. Today, Mary has reason to believe that Peter does not like her. The following day, Mike blatantly tells her that he does not like her. Mary is not bothered about what her friends are saying about her and does nothing to find out what has gone wrong. Soon she finds out that Janet and Henry have ill feelings towards her also. Mary does not appreciate the need and importance of self improvement until all of her friends have turned against her.
It is only when things have gotten completely out of control that people begin to see the warning signals and signs. Most people realize that they have to do something about their weight only when their tops and pants do not fit then anymore. Similarly, people do not stop eating or decrease the quantity of sweets they eat, until their teeth starts to fall out and they have to visit the dentist more often. Most smokers do not quit smoking until their lungs have been severely damaged. Also, people tend to seek God's assistance, only when trouble strikes. When things are going fine, most people put God aside.
The majority of individuals tend to think about self improvement and personal development only when things have gone seriously wrong. Such situations are not easy to change, however those who continue to resist change, will end up in more pathetic situations.
Change will occur, irrespective of your feelings. At some point in your life, you will experience various turning points. And you will ultimately release your full potential for personal and professional success. No one will force or nag you to do this, but you will come to realize that it will make you a better person.
Happy individuals embrace change; they do not simply accept it. You need to realize that self improvement is important, no one should force you to accept it. When you realize your potential, you will stop having the limiting belief that "that is just my nature." This sort of thinking only encourages resistance to change and it breeds fear.
Most people have very strong limiting beliefs. For example, Ben repeatedly informs all his friends and members of his family that he has a fear of groups of people. He hears his mother, his teacher; his father and his brother tell other people the same thing regarding him. Ben will come to believe that as the years roll by. He accepts it is actually his story.
And because of this, each time there is a large gathering in his community, at his home and in school, he shys away and goes into his room to hide. Ben is an excellent example of one who believes and lives his story.
Even though not everyone will be interested in personal growth and development, if you view things from a different perspective, you might even begin to enjoy the entire process rather than waiting for a time when you will be completely improved.
Going out with your friends after a long and hard day of work is an excellent way to unwind, visiting the gym three times a week will make you healthier. And as you start to achieve your full potential in personal and professional development, you will find that you are becoming happier and taking things easier.
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