Self Improvement Starts With Motivation

Self-Improvement starts with motivation and ends with persistence. If you are like most people you periodically have the urge to undertake some form of self-improvement. You find yourself thinking about getting more organized, losing weight, taking a course, changing jobs, exercising regularly or it could be so many other things. For most people starting is not so hard it is developing the motivation to be persistent that throws people off track.

In order to stay motivated and achieve your goal there has to be something in it for you. Ask yourself what will you gain by doing what you say you want to do? For instance, if you decide you want to incorporate exercise into your life what do you hope to gain by doing that. I was someone who kept saying to myself that I should exercise because I wanted a healthy body but I didn't incorporate exercise into my life. I did make some attempts but it never lasted very long. I always came up with excuses that my job was too demanding and I had too many things on my plate. It wasn't until I changed my inner dialogue from exercise being an optional choice to seeing it as mandatory that I got serious about establishing a regular routine.
By changing my mindset I had a new way of thinking about exercise. I knew that I would do better with the external structure of classes at a gym than exercising on my own. Take a little time to think about what works best for you and then set up a system that allows you to have success. If your desire is to weigh less decide if you want to do it on your own or will you be successful if you join a group of people who are also working on losing weight.
Self-Improvement is what keeps us vibrant and growing. Periodically we realize that we have gotten into bad habits and need to upgrade who we are. This is all part of the journey of life. Motivation accompanied with persistence leads to lasting self-improvement.
And now I invite you to visit to claim your free Recharge Your Life and Renew Your Spirit report.
Kristina von Rosenvinge teaches self-growth and relationship skills for personal and business success.

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