How To Create Fun Self Improvement When You Buy Mindflex

You could go to more seminars, hire another life coach, read more books... or you could buy Mindflex. Personally, I choose Mindflex.
I'm a self help junky-I admit it. And I'm always looking for ways to be a little more focused, a little smarter, a little more productive, a little more successful. I also love finding ways to help kids improve themselves (by having as much fun as possible).

So I was thrilled when I found Mindflex. Mindflex from Mattel is a game that's run by mind power. Instead of the ho hum, hands-on moving pieces around a board, your brain waves is what moves the game ball around the course of the game.
You wear a headset and sensors and by concentrating, you affect a flow of air, which in turn moves a little foam ball. The game comes with obstacles you can add to it to create special courses for your ball motion, and the game times your efforts too. You can play it solo, but it can also be played with up to four players.
The game is a toy for kids eight years old and up, but like many kids' toys, it's just as much for adults as it is for children. And for adults, it's more than just fun-it's a great self-improvement tool.
By spending just ten minutes or so a day playing Mindflex, you can notice huge improvements in concentration, focus, patience, and the ability to relax. I find the ten minutes to be even more effective than the same amount of meditation.
The game comes with an instruction manual with relaxation techniques, math problems, and visualizations to help with concentration. It is every bit as educational as e-books and audios I've bought that cost double what Mindflex costs.
When you buy Mindflex, you get one of the most fun and affordable self improvement tools (aka TOY) to come along in a long time. It's a biofeedback tool that anyone can afford.
And kids love it too. So it makes a great gift and fun for the whole family.
To find out where to buy Mindflex, visit the Mindflex The Game Blog.

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