Goal Setting Techniques For Self Improvement

Ever go set a new years resolution and work on it for a few weeks and quit. I think we all have had those experiences with goal setting. These goal setting tips and techniques will help you keep you new years resolutions and all you goals in general.

Increments - 1% improvement per day
To achieve your goals, focus on increments. Work on 1% improvement per day. Like they say, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." This is how you achieve your goals, one step at a time. Doing something little every day adds to progressive realization of your goals.
If you wanted to write a book, and you wrote 1 page per day, in a year you would have a 365 page book. How many of you want to write a book? Why don't people write their book? Because when they sit down to write it, they think, "I have 365 pages to write!" instead of sitting down and thinking, "I have one page to write." When you think in increments, the next thing you know the book will be done.
Bombard yourself with memories and images
You can use a dream board to visually make your goals and track them. You can use sticky notes, photos, pictures, and drawings in your car, on the refrigerator, in the bathroom, in the closet, or anywhere to keep focused. Seeing this will solidify your dreams and make them happen. If you see them everywhere, the ideas, the teachers, and the information will come and flow into your neuropathways and into your brain. You will connect spiritually and build the belief so that you can manifest the experience you are after.
Be specific in your goals. Don't just say, "I want a lot of money." Even saying, "I want a million dollars," is not going to work either. You have to have the reason why. You have to be specific if you have a financial goal, of what the goal is, why you want that goal, and what you are going to do with it.
You have to visualize accurately what you want to attain. If it is a car, go sit in the car. Drive it around. Visualize having and using it.
If you are not getting what you want, you are not being clear enough. If you want to find your passion, look deep into your childhood. If you want to get this feeling, go buy a toy you wanted as a child but you did not get. We are still the same person and same energy as when we were children, just aged a bit. Touch that power. Touch that energy. That is where you are going to find that energy, so you can get your focus and get your clarity.
Get that carrot, and get those goals accomplished!
JB Glossinger is the founder of the worlds first personal evolution system based on the principles of self help, personal development, self improvement, and life coaching. If you are looking for an award winning system to help you manifest a better lifestyle go now to http://www.morningcoach.com. If you are looking for a dynamic motivational speaker or would like to learn more about JB Glossinger go to http://www.glossinger.com
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