Self Improvement - Nothing Ever Changes!

At one stage or another in the quest for self improvement we will all get to the stage where we question. Is it worth it? Am I making progress or just wasting my time? Nothing ever changers, I'm just kidding myself! My bank balance is the same as it was last year, why don't I see any results for my efforts? Etc. etc. It is inevitable for this to happen; and more than once.

We are an impatient lot and we live in a world that expects instant results. We want to see instant success, after all that is what we see on the TV and in the papers. Everything is instant and that is what we expect from ourselves.
I was no different and have been through many stages of self doubt, many stages where I questioned the validity of all the so called "masters" of personal development and self improvement, and it is disconcerting. One of the reasons for this is because 'in most cases' change is slow. It is progressive and doesn't happen instantly like on TV. This is reality, this is the real world and we have to come to terms with the fact that this is how it is for the vast majority.
You will hear the story of the guy or girl who "made it in no time" and there are cases like this but they are a rarity, not the norm. It doesn't mean that we have to reside ourselves to that fact but rather accept that it will happen when you are ready and not before.
How often do you hear of people who have found instant fame and fortune only to come crashing down off their pedestal? They weren't ready! They hadn't done the necessary preparation for what they were about to receive and couldn't handle the pressure of the gifts they had so desperately longed for; that in the end only gave them grief.
Accepting yourself for who you are with a belief and expectation that the universe will honor its commitment to you when you are ready will help you enormously and will hasten its arrival. Doubt, fear, guilt, anger and frustration only hamper its arrival. Let yourself go, try not to try and make it, let go of need for it to happen and allow it to happen... allow it in and it will flow.
Self improvement is about improving every area of your life and the one area that most people neglect is the emotional area, yet this is by far the most important. Doubt, fear guilt etc. are all emotional issues, so by tackling and improving this area of your life and getting it right first (at least as right as possible) you will find the other areas of your life far quicker and easier to improve.
At some time in our life we all face problems. Unfortunately, it seems the majority of people don't know how to let them go and they hang to them even though the source of their problems may be long gone. If can't let go of your problems, and or if they are causing pain and distress then I can help. Go to []. There you will find all the information you need.

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