Overcoming the Stigma of Past Mistakes and Achieving Self Improvement

To achieve positive living, one is first bound to make a lot of mistakes but it is the way we deal with our mistakes that influences our outcome in life. It is not absurd to make mistakes, everybody at some point in life has made mistakes, unlike God; we are not perfect beings. When you make a mistake, practice self forgiveness and move on toward attaining self improvement.

Learn to forgive yourself. It is hard for other people to forgive you if you do not exercise self forgiveness. Self forgiveness comes when you first accept that you are in the wrong. Do not live in denial, be honest with yourself. Forgive yourself and be at peace with your conscience.
Ignore the negative criticism and harsh judgment that you will encounter from people. Know that even those acting holy and judging you are no better, because we all have our shortcomings. People who want to gossip about you will always do so and there is nothing you can do about. Have you ever tried to confront some people because they said something ill about and they just ask you what will you do about it, or they just go like, 'so?' Get over the depression of adversity and the pain of negative publicity since all it does is hinder your personal growth.
Positive living is about being responsible enough to own up to your mess. Do not run away from your mistake, this will not make things any better; running will just curtail your personal growth. If you wronged somebody go to them and let them know that you regret what you did. Most of the problem that people have would have just being solved by saying that they are sorry. Saying that you are sorry brings an element of self awareness and does not mean that you are venerable or weak. It will make you relieve the weight of guilt inside you. Being remorseful affects your personal growth; move on from your past mistakes so that you can experience true happiness thus self awareness and positive living.
Stephen shares his experience in Self Development Tips that will definitely add value to your Life. (Website:) Self Improvement Tips

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