The Power of Self Improvement

"People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy after." Goldsmith
The subject of my note today is Self Improvement. In discussing this subject I'd love to look at the word KAIZEN. Kaizen is a Japanese management term referring to constant, continuous and never-ending improvement. Anthony Robbins calls this concept CANI that stands for: "Constant And Never Ending Improvement." Kaizen is a way of life. It is constant improvement in every aspect of your life. You have a built-in mechanism to grow and to improve. Therefore, ascertaining how to improve your relationship, your knowledge, your attitude, your goals and goal-setting strategies, leadership skills and time management should be your daily responsibility. Experts in the field of human development say that everything can be improved on by at least ten per cent.

There is no pursuit more venerable than the pursuit of self-improvement. Self-improvement as aforementioned, begins with your born again spirit, your mind, as you consistently renew it with God's word. Everything is capable of being improved, even if only incrementally. The concept of continuous improvement can literally be applied to every aspect of your personal and professional life. Consistent and constant pursuit of improvement in all areas of your life is indispensable in the attainment of your true potential. Hence improving daily, whether by spending some time exercising, reading, visualizing or forging better relationships, you are making regular deposits and evolving toward a desired attainable end.
The personal mark of almost every high achiever and successful people is a daily dedication to improvement in both personal and professional lives. To be effective, you have to do things daily and consistently and not haphazardly to advance congruently in the direction of your goals, ultimate purpose and destiny.
It is fundamental to apply the Kaizen or CANI principle on a consistent basis to every component of your life from spiritual to physical, business to family to attain peak performance as you migrate toward your desired end.
Richard Onebamoi is a Pastor, International Speaker, Business Visionary and Success Facilitator. His mission is to inspire your performance, expand your imagination, cultivate your dreams, help you discover, develop and maximize your God-given potential(s). He is also a Registered Site Owner of [] and

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