Self Improvement - Changing Your Life From Head to Toe

You don't have enough fingers and toes to count the numerous ways there are to transform your life and when you finally decide on one area to work on, another intrusion comes along and spoils your plans. It isn't fair that your 8 week detox is overshadowed by problems at work, or that your efforts to improve your self-esteem are interrupted with family or finance troubles. To achieve OPTIMAL physical and mental health, you may be reaching PAST the stars; there are just too many areas that need your undivided attention.

 It might make sense to focus specifically on one detail and pray life in general doesn't get in your way, but past experience will tell you this just isn't possible. Instead, take a simple approach by making small changes across a range of issues you need to improve and balance in your life like work, friendship, your kids, health and happiness. Focusing only on shedding those extra 5 kilo's will not improve ALL of these things. Remember, the rest of your life goes on during any other period of change.
The biggest life changing decision you can make today is from this moment forth, forget who and what you've been & seen yourself as in the past. This very moment is your first step in loving yourself and therefore your life. Forgetting your previous failures cleanses your mind on how you might have seen yourself in the past. History remembers kings, not that exercise program you didn't stick to, or your self esteem issues, but it's important not to create some outlandish aspiration that if not achieved, will leave you vulnerable to more damaging self criticism.
The best goal you can make is simply this, "You are going to become better than you are at this moment". Let's clarify what "better" means. Tomorrow you may decide to get out of bed and hour earlier and go for a walk; you may search for nutritious recipes and improve your diet for the next week; you may look in the mirror and tell yourself you are worthy; these simple activities might just give you all the potential to becoming 'better', and will be all it takes to achieve your new goal.
So you've been honest with yourself and accepted there is a LOT you need to change. Don't be discouraged; instead, seize this opportunity to become GREAT. Through these elements of change it is important you pay attention to how great you feel. For in loving the changes you make and loving how you feel, you are learning to love your new life. This is more important than you might imagine. Recognising your achievements reduces negative emotions which will fog your goals and possibly set you back. And hear this - Changes takes time, a negative thought only takes an instant. You must allow yourself time. Don't let evil thoughts overshadow what you've achieved and ruin all future chance you have of becoming better. Regardless what has happened in the past, life does have the potential to be better. Having a positive mental attitude is more important than a healthy body. If you have a positive attitude towards your self improvement plan, it sets you up for success. It's just not possible to keep moving forward if all you see in the future is a dark and rocky path. Remember, perfection is a fairy tale word. Very few, if any people, will ever achieve it. It takes giant leaps to achieve perfection, but only small steps to achieve happiness.
  • Nurture yourself EVERY day. Listen to your favourite song; laugh out loud; pat your dog and watch his tail wag; relax (if only for 5 minutes).
  • Be honest and true to yourself and others
  • Search for answers to any question you've pondered on, especially what the meaning of life is to you.
  • Find new hobbies and interests that will bring passion to your life.
  • STOP comparing yourself to others, or to what society dictates makes one "successful".
  • Good intentions are more important than poor outcomes. Remember controlling ALL of life's circumstances is just not possible.
  • Surround yourself only with people who support you and have positive outlooks on yours and their own lives. And what applies to your friends sets only the lowest benchmark for your partner.
  • There should be no grey areas when it comes to your principles. Decide what yours are and live by them whole-heartedly.
Cherie O'Neill welcomes you to [].
If you are looking for reliable information to improve your health, beauty or fitness, visit
Here's to living each day in good health!

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