Self Improvement Motivation: Design Your Destiny With Positive Habits

Every (and I do mean EVERY) human potential success coach from
the most famous to the little known conclude, that habits hold the
key to success or failure.
According to the dictionary, a habit is an acquired pattern of
behavior that has become almost involuntary as a result of frequent

Our habits dictate the quality of life we experience. If you
procrastinate, talk negatively to yourself and allow fear to rule,
you are going to have a very stressful life overflowing with anxiety
and sadness. I know, because that is where I've come from.
The key to creating lasting positive results in any area of your life,
must first start with changing the way you think before changing the
way you act.
Here are the top three bad habits that effect most of us
at some time in our lives.
1. Fear (Yes fear is a habit!)
It is said F.E.A.R stands for "False Evidence Appearing Real" and
after a lifetime of confronting just about every fear I can think
of, fear of success, fear of failure, fear of letting me be me...
I can tell you for certain that living in fear is the worst habit
of them all. It is the root of all other bad habits like
smoking, overeating, addictions etc. (Fear is the enemy of
inspiration and motivation.)
No matter what changes you want to make in your life you are
going to feel some degree of fear. But I can tell you from
experience that the secret is to feel the fear and take action anyway.
Action defeats fear!
2. Negative self-talk
I am also guilty of this self-inflicted punishment as well.
I have come to discover that humans are in fact self
fulfilling prophecies and that our thoughts do matter.
The problem is that most of us don't consciously use negative
self talk, it ends up becoming more like a mantra or a label we
brand ourselves with.
For Example:
I used to call my self a lot of things, a procrastinator, fat,
shy and I would follow it up whenever someone challenged me
with a reinforcing, "That's just the way I am."
Although I thought I was just poking fun at myself, I realize
after years of unconscious repetition that negative self-talk
was one of the main things holding me back from following my
heart and creating the life of my dreams.
3. Procrastination
Up until a few months ago you could look this word up in the
dictionary and see my picture. I would beat myself up night
after night for not following through with a phone call or an
article idea. I would wait until the last minute to do anything,
then become so stressed out that I wasn't much fun to be around.
Overcoming the negative habit of procrastination can truly
change your life. When you learn to take action as soon as the
mood strikes and stop when the feeling is gone, you will find after
just a few weeks of inspired action that you have begun to create
something of value. Practice anything with conscious awareness and
specific intent for 21 days and you will amaze yourself. I promise!
It is worth taking the steps to replace the habits that have been
holding you back from living a richer more fulfilling life. If I can
do it, anyone can.
My 6th grade teacher dragged me into the hall by my hair, looked me
in the eye, pounded his finger in my chest and told me I was stupid
and would never amount to anything...
...See Mr. McCarthy I'm not stupid.
© Andy Thompson - All Rights Reserved
Andy Thompson is a writer who enjoys the "growth" part of the Self Growth Process. He recommends the breakthrough 21-day self empowerment program Habit Busting and publishes a quality, information packed monthly newsletter. Read more at [] and sign up for our free 7-day goal setting e-course.
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