Self-Developement and Self-Improvement

Anyone who knows me knows that I do not support, as a means of engagement of life, anything the self-help gurus sell.
Well, by my observation, whether it's Anthony Robbins, The Secret, Life Coach, etc, they all tend to offer their personal conditioning as the panacea of everyone's lack or failure or need to want to do and have better. Not that positive thinking strategies aren't important, since we all have to think and effort to benefit our survival, and since anything that makes survival more of the joy that it was meant to be, any kind of thinking and focus discipline that allows the individual to move forward to the results they are aiming at is good. Very good.

Yet, having known hundreds of people who have bought every program, went to every seminar, and after observing them, and noting there is a slight change in attitude skill set, they still are off looking for what will give them success in financial terms, and are always off to buy their next dream. Another observation is that they are never satisfied with less than something grand in the spectrum of their dreams. They have either quickened the delusional needs of ego for wealth and fame, or even in the midst of multiple levels of success, occurring in the middle of their ordinary life, they don't see the miracle because it's not the grand ideal of their dream.
If all we can do is magnify the ego drive for greater and better, we are only trading one form of programming and conditioning for another that will still keep us blind to the truth. When a system of thinking or doing, has you focus on results, and measure them as good or bad according to a measurement of what another conditioned self's parallax is, we cannot move closer to what is true for the individual who discovers or uncovers what is true and real success for them. It is pure artifice. It becomes something forced, cultivated and therefore phony.
If however we engage being Awake first, then add certain strategies of engaging improved circumstance, we are no longer attempting to make a silk purse out of a pig's ear. The individual will then work unerringly from a center source of seeing reality as it is, seeing themselves as they are, and determining their own course of success based on what success means to their own sense of value and interpretation. For many, once awake, they begin to see the world not as an us versus them. They operate from a sense of
unity, and dare I say it....Love. Here is where there is an absence of fear. They no longer operate from a feeling of lack. They don't attempt to cultivate anything that isn't a real expression of their highest ideals. Ideals that are clearly seen to be in harmonious alignment with reality. The amount of success such a person experiences in such a state, is limitless.
They begin to see and appreciate all of the life they are connected to. They no longer estimate things as being bad or good, right or wrong in the world around them, based on the world's value system(s). They see each moment as a gift. A learning experience. One that they can build on, one success after another, seeing the little successes of life all around them. Such a person cannot be denied any results they engage because they are working from the source of all life within them, in harmony with this source that is alive
all around them, not some set of programs that originate outside of the experience of their own life. Their success is certain no matter what the aim.
No matter what the struggle, an awakened individual doesn't lose perspective. Never sees any engagement as a hardship. They understand that everything is a learning process that shapes the approach to the end result. To the awakened, the approach is more important than the result, because if the approaches are real and true to the pulse of all things, the result cannot fail. And should they meet with a so-called failure of the result worked for, they don't lose heart, they understand that a learning of the operations of result, relevant to them, has occurred, and pick up once more the effort to engage. They acquire poise.
If we want anything, is it because we see that the having of it adds to our experience of life, or is it rather we take the fear position of not having it, and the not having it is bad, and begin our effort from there? From which platform of experience is true success acquired?
To my own viewpoint, if the individual is not awake, neither. And that is precisely why I have decided to go toe to toe with every fallacy that poses as a religion or philosophy for the good of man. The idea that we can be more and do more is critically important, no doubt. But to have a person know and acquire the things of this world without knowing themselves is criminal. It puts the cart before the horse. It teaches adopted mindsets and attitudes, but never gives the real skinny on how money or wealth are being actually acquired by the hype marketing huckster.
Truth doesn't require showmanship. True success is not a Hollywood production. It is a simple process, of the individual coming to see where real meaning arises. Then and only then will they understand and effort towards their goals from their own sense of meaning, of what success means to them. In that moment they will see that the first success is having a life to live. All the many successes build from there. Some small and
momentary like the shared smile of a friend, to the great successes, like acquiring skill at something they enjoy. This is where it starts, and never ends.
Garwin is a Living Teacher. He is the creator of

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