Self-Improvement-How to Overcome Poor Self-Image

I want to share a life-changing principle with you. Here it is.
You cannot change the negative influences that molded you before you reached the age of accountability, but now that you are mature, you are 100% responsible for your decisions and your life's path.
When you were a child you possessed amazing resilience. You had the ability to adapt to your circumstances, no matter how reprehensible. Whether you lived through abuse, poverty, illness, or any other tragic circumstances; you had an amazing aptitude to survive and thrive anyway.

But now, you're having trouble living a fruitful and productive life, and you don't quite know how to break destructive cycles and habits. The difficulty is that, your hardships taught you to survive, but you never truly learned how to live.
Today, I want to share with you the key to starting fresh.
Here's something for you to think about. We all come from somewhere. Me. You. Everyone that exists on this earth has lived through some sort of obstacle, setback and loss. We are all common in this regard.
But the difference between struggling through life and experiencing God's abundance, hinges on one thing. What is it?
It is your ability to change your perception of yourself. Once you begin seeing yourself in the light of God's Word, then you will change your life for the better.
Listen. God has given you unique gifts and abilities that only you possess. No one else in the world can accomplish what you can. If you don't change your perception of yourself, however, you will invariably stifle your growth and creativity.
Many of your unhealthy patterns are a result of your jaded self-perception. In order to illuminate my point, let me share some examples of the negative manifestations of an unhealthy self-image.
You suffer from paralysis of analysis.
You are indecisive. You easily become overwhelmed with all of the different methods of arriving at the same destination, and you ultimately shut down and do nothing at all. This is simply a manifestation of your lack of trust in yourself. Push past the self doubt and do something anyway!
You sabotage yourself.
Even though you are intelligent and perfectly capable of creating positive results in your life, you don't believe that you are worthy. So rather than experience the abundance that God has promised, you find ways to deprive yourself of joy, happiness and fulfillment. You must give yourself permission to be happy and free!
You feel small.
Outwardly people would not know it, but you feel insignificant, incapable, and inept. Even when you do something good, you somehow manage to minimize your accomplishments and successes, because you don't believe that they're worth much if they came from you. Reverse this cycle by praising yourself when you do something notable!
You won't pursue larger opportunities.
I think this is the most harmful symptom of all. You close yourself off from amazing opportunities because of your limited perception of yourself. You don't think you are good enough, and you somehow feel that everyone else will discover that you are an incapable "fraud" if you follow your true dreams. Expose this lie and chase after your dreams relentlessly!
Here's the reality. An unhealthy self-image is not something that melts away overnight. It's been brought on by years of some sort of oppression, suppression, and abuse.
I know it's tough, but if you ever truly want to experience the abundant life that Jesus Christ offers, then you must first recognize the baggage, then claim it as yours, and finally dispose of it once and for all.
©2007 Hobbs Ministries. All rights reserved.
Dianna Hobbs is Vice President of Hobbs Ministries, a Christian copywriting and PR firm specializing in creative writing solutions for individuals, ministries and faith-based organizations. If you’re looking for exceptional Christian writers to provide powerful website copy, press releases, press kits, articles, advertorials, direct mail letters, ghostwriting and more, then visit
Dianna is also a wife, a homeschooling mother of four, and a highly popular speaker for Christian women’s conferences and retreats.

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