How to Use Self Improvement Books Effectively to Actually Improve Your Life

Do you regularly invest in self-development books because you want to change your life? Congratulations and well done for making the effort but the bad news is that just reading books, no matter how brilliant they are, won't change anything. You will learn new ideas and approaches but if that knowledge just sits in your head, you can't expect any meaningful changes to take place.

To make change you have to DO something differently. That is going to take effort on your part - making notes and taking action as you go along. Many people don't like to write in books (probably because we were told not to as children), and you don't have that option if you have purchased an e-book version but you do need to make notes.
Physically writing notes and plans down helps us to remember and we can go back and monitor our progress but there is more to it than this. Writing stimulates our reticular activating system (RAS), a group of cells at the base of the brain. Your RAS acts a filter for everything you brain has to cope with and gives more attention to what you are focusing on. When you write things down, your brain knows that its important and will help you by continuing to work on it and will bring things to your attention that were probably there all the time, but outside your consciousness. So you are more likely to achieve your objectives if you write them down.
Writing can also be incredibly therapeutic. You can release negativity through your writing; as one of my clients described it-: "as if my thoughts were released when I put pen to paper. They left my head, travelled down my arm and out through my hand". You don't get that when you use a computer!
My suggestion is to invest in a hard backed note-book, with an attractive cover that means something to you and with quality paper you will enjoy writing on. You are working on your life so there is nothing more important than that so it's worth making the investment. You might also want a special pen to use - just like your first day at school! Remember that excitement of having new books and pens at the start of a term? I don't know about you but I always tried harder whan I had a new book and my handwriting improved no end!
Keep this book safe and use it as a journal of your journey. Use it to record your thoughts, ideas and action plans. You will be able to keep track of where you are and to monitor your progress. Many of my clients have found this approach hugely motivational; especially when they look back and realise how far they have come.
You are now all set and ready to begin your journey and to take the first step.
Enjoy the journey!
Sandy L Scott the owner of "Vive ut Vitas" is an author, fitness professional and life and youth coach who specialises in helping people change their lives. Her practical, authentic and inspirational support has enabled many clients to live life to the full. Her first book "Because you only get One LIfe" will be available shortly and you can be among the first to read it by "liking" her Facebook page at

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