Positive Attitude And Self Improvement Efforts - How To Improve Your Personality

This article is meant for those people who want to improve their personality multifold. They are constantly looking for ways and means of improving themselves. One of these relates to their interface with the rest of the human race, be they of any gender, and of any class.

some people have the genetic and sometimes an trait copied from another person to be outgoing, constantly learning and using that learning in bettering themselves as they go from position to position and from place to place. What a joy to see such improvement! Especially the parents, and of course some amazement from those siblings who thought it was impossible. But human nature is so unpredictable that a child, introvert and shy, can turn out to be a totally outgoing, cheerful, and friendly and outspoken person whom everybody loves to have in their social circle and parties.
of course you can also develop your personality on similar lines. Note the word similar, not COPY. You can't copy. That would be against your personality make up. You have your own positive attributes, which you should not suppress, otherwise you would be branded as a copier, and a fake. That's something surely you would not like.
What really you should be doing is to assess your personality traits carefully. By all means seek professional help. That is best. Or, if you are queasy about it, write down, frankly, what your positives are, and what your negatives are. Try and match your positives with negatives. If you are a truthful person, and you can't tell a lie, then obviously, you should not try to remove the negative trait of not being able to tell a lie! That militates against your basic character of telling the truth.. doesn't it? So you have to weigh the various options and come up with basic traits that you can possibly modify and become a better person.
But it is better not to change your basic traits. You are accepted for these, and every person is different from the other. Hence the emphasis on not copying other traits. But you can learn that same skill and be able to use it in your own way. If the person you want to emulate is very outgoing, you could try to be a little more open and quiet in opening up with a stranger, and not be as boisterous as the person whom you were trying to emulate.
Positive thoughts can be replace the negative ones that you have. You have to work for it. It's not easy. You are not a chameleon who can change his colors depending upon the circumstances. If you were so, you would find yourself out on the streets, not having a social or even an official life because of the inability to stay within your character and not changing it due to circumstances. You are not a boot licker, and you should stay that way.
There are other traits that you can modify. If you are shy, you could try saying good morning to those whom you meet, quietly, and should not feel uneasy if you get strange looks the first time you do it. After all, they are not used to it! Over time, they would wonder and accept that you are changing. Change, slowly, is the catch here.
You can change for the better. Don't change for the worse.
Always weigh your options. Don't change for the sake of change. Change for the better, and repeated again is the fact that the change should be within the basic tenets of your character. Otherwise, you would land in a quandary later, because your inner conscience would question you and trouble you. And that would put paid to your mental happiness, which is paramount. Got it? Good. Go ahead and learn.
Abhishek is a Self-Development expert and he has got some great Positive Attitude Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 87 Page Ebook, "Positive Attitude For Unlimited Success" from his website http://www.Positive-You.com/689/index.htmOnly limited Free Copies available.

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